San Diego Youth Services works to end the cycle of homelessness.
We provide shelter and transitional housing for children and young adults, without a home, who otherwise would have nowhere to go.
Through our programs, we move youth experiencing homelessness into safe and stable housing and provide the tools and training they need to create a healthy path in life. They build independent living skills through intensive, in-home case management, counseling, and wraparound services to get them back on their feet. Our transitional housing and support also provide them with time to complete their education and get sustainable employment.
Storefront Youth Emergency Shelter
Our Youth Emergency Shelter is the only emergency night shelter in the county for homeless and runaway youth. We provide shelter and support services for children and teens, ages 12 to 17, who don't have a safe place to live or are victims of physical or sexual abuse, neglect or exploitation.
Youth Emergency Shelter
Call for our 24-hour Crisis Hotline and Eligibility Screening for our emergency night shelter and drop-in center.
TAY Academy
TAY Academy supports youth, ages 14 to 25, and provides access to basic needs including food, hygiene, showers and laundry. Our Drop-in Center and staff also provide information and referral services, skill development workshops, computer lab, expressive art, resource linkages and goal planning support.
TAY Academy
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Drop-in Center
2220 Broadway
San Diego, CA 92102
For Eligibility Screening
Temporary Housing for Youth Experiencing Homelessness (TAY Housing)
TAY Housing provides housing to youth experiencing homelessness and former foster/probation youth experiencing homelessness. We provide services to each youth to support their individual goals and their overall goal of becoming stable and independent.
Our programs support foster youth, ages 18-21, and foster youth exiting the system, ages 18-24. Our programs are open to both single and parenting youth. Our program has a waitlist because of the high demand for housing assistance.
TAY Housing
Questions? (619) 987-3021
Youth Homelessness Program (YHP)
Our YHP program consists of four components and provides rapid rehousing, as well as transitional housing to homeless and at-risk young adults to help them become independent and self-sufficient so that they are able to leave our programs and live on their own.
For Eligibility Screening