To get help or a referral for any of our services, call or text (619) 241-0608 Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Our work embraces all youth regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, religion or sexual orientation. San Diego Youth Services is a safe zone for LGBTQ+ youth.
Services Offered:
Child Sex Trafficking Awareness and Recovery
Services for youth who are at risk of or have experienced commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking
Foster Care
Support for foster families and resources to help current and former foster youth develop independent living skills
Homeless Housing and Support
Safe places to live and long-term solutions for youth experiencing homelessness
Workforce Development
Comprehensive youth job development program that empowers youth to achieve their employment and educational goals.
Suicide Prevention and Intervention
An evidence-based curriculum to address bullying and suicide, which encourages youth to seek help for themselves and others.
Adoption Support
Services to create a community of adoptive families bringing hope and the tools necessary to provide safe, sensitive and lasting homes
Anti-Bullying Awareness and Support
Collaborative services providing assessment and therapeutic support for youth who are bullied in 7th-12th grade.
Juvenile Delinquency Diversion and Intervention
We provide safe places to live, short and long-term, including shelters, community centers and transitional housing.
Mental Health
Mental and behavioral health services for kids and their families in the form of prevention and intensive, outpatient mental health services.
LGBTQ+ Services
Comprehensive support services for LGBTQ+ youth and their families, including a mental health clinic and drop-in center.
Domestic Violence Prevention
A youth sexual and domestic violence prevention program that helps break the horrific cycle of abuse.